Kasuga Taisha Shrine【world heritage site】

Kasuga Taisha Shrine【world heritage site】

Kasuga Taisha Shrine is one of the eight asset group of the World Heritage "cultural assets of the ancient city Nara". It began when Fujiwara Fuhito worshiped a patron saint of Fujiwara during the transition of the capital to Heijyo. During the Heian era, Kasuga Taisha Shrine was popular to royalties and nobles. During the Middle Age, faith spread to the common people as well. Within the grounds, there are various forms of fishing garden lanterns and stone garden lanterns that were dedicated by the common people. Every February and August a beautiful event called the "man toro", or "ten thousand garden lanterns" takes place by lighting all the lanterns.

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Open Hours

From April to September from 6:00 to 18:00

From October to March from 6:30 to 17:00

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